Academic Policies



Undergraduate students.

  1. In order to appear in the final examination of a course, a student must have attended at least 80% classes held in that course (failing which the student will be given failing grade in the course).
  2. In case of valid reasons, on the recommendation of department HoD, the concerned Dean may relax the above-mentioned limit to 75%.
  3. In case of attendance less than the required level, the student will be required to repeat the course in the summer semester.
  4. Department will forward the short attendance data to the Dean for approval and forward the same to the Examination / Student coordination office as per the schedule issued by the examination office.
  5. All absences, whatsoever, must be within allowable limit.
  6. In case of absence due to any genuine reason, late admission, medical reasons, or change of course, the teacher may give extra (makeup) material to the student to compensate the deficiency because of the absence subject to the approval of Dean through departmental board of study.
  7. If a student misses any assignment / quiz for whatever reason a makeup will not be given and the student would get a failing grade in the assignment / quiz.
  8. The exams missed because of medical emergencies or extreme circumstances with a clear proof will only be allowed to have a make-up. Make-up exam fee is Rs. 2500/-

IMS Policies

Grade Scale –GPA vs Annual System
Letter Grade Grade PointPercentage Interpretation
A4.0080 and aboveEXCELLENT
B3.0070-74 GOOD
C2.0060-64 AVERAGE
D1.0050-54 PASSING
F0.00below 50 FAILURE
Cumulative Grade Point Average Requirement for Graduation
Program C.G.P.A
MPhil 2.50
MBA 2.50
BBA/BS 2.00
ADP 2.00
  • Students whose cumulative GPA falls below the minimum required level must consider themselves on probation. A student does not have to receive an official notification of probation from the Institute.


  • Less than 1.70 CGPA in two consecutive semesters, student will be DROPPED due to academic deficiency

Academic Probation

The student is placed on academic probation whenever his/her Cumulative GPA falls below the following levels:
Program CGPA
MPhil/MS 2.50
MBA (2 Years) 2.00
MBA Exe 2.00
BBA/BS (4 Years) 1.70

Further Details

Continuation in the program

For continuation in the program the minimum required CGPA must be maintained regardless of the number of credit hours completed. While on academic probation, the student must confer with the Office of the Registrar or the Dean to ensure his/her satisfactory progress. The student is allowed only one semester to bring the cumulative GPA up to the minimum required level. Failure to do so will result in the students’ academic suspension and ouster from the program.

Repeating Courses
  • A course with F grade may be repeated twice to obtain a passing grade. In a special case a third chance could be allowed by the Dean.
  • A course with below C grade may be repeated to improve the grade.
Course Registration

Courses in every semester would be offered as per the program roadmap i.e, the students are supposed to get themselves registered in all the courses given in the roadmap. However, the registrar may authorize any amendment to this rule, after the first semester, as a special case on the recommendations of the respective head of department and Dean.

Registration is valid only, if the dues are paid within the specified time. A student with the approval of program coordinator can be given up to 6 courses, if his / her CGPA is > 3 or in case of a graduating semester 2.5.

Late Registration

Late registration in the weeks following the registration period may be allowed by the Registrar. Late registrants will be liable to pay late registration fee of 10% of the tuition. It is pertinent to note that if a student fails to get register throughout the expiry of two consecutive semesters, he/she would lose right to continue the program.

Course Prerequisites

Enrolment in certain courses cannot be allowed until the course prerequisite requirements are met. A student enrolling in a given course without meeting the prerequisites will be denied credit for the course.

Course Add-Drop Policy
  1. A student registered in a program may add, drop or change a course in the University unless with the permission from the Head of Department responsible for the program and subject to the limit of allowed credit hours of a semester.
  2. A student can add or change a course within 7 days from the commencement of semester classes.
  3. A student can drop a course within 2 weeks from the commencement of semester No Add or Drop, will be allowed after 3rd week of semester.
  4. If there is additional fee involved a student has to pay the fee before attending the respective course.

Withdrawal from Semester (all courses).


In case of an emergency / untoward, a student may be allowed to withdraw from all registered courses for the semester before the mid semester test subject to the following procedure:

  • Student has to submit the application for Semester Withdrawal, with complete necessary documentation and justification, to the concerned head of department for initial processing of the case.
  • The head of department will send the complete case to the Dean for approval.
  • The registrar office shall notify the withdrawal of a semester and keep proper record. Moreover, a copy of complete set will also be forwarded to examination office for maintaining proper result.
  • In case of a semester withdrawal all examinations / assessments undertaken by the student during the semester will become null and void.
  • A maximum of one semester can be dropped in the entire degree program.
  • The dropped semester courses will not be displayed on a student’s transcript.
  • Student is not entitled for refund of semester fee.

Note: A withdrawn semester shall count towards the maximum permissible number of semesters to complete a degree program. The semester withdrawal would not be allowed in first semester.

Dress code

Dress is an important component of the personality as it also reflects our bearing, as well as that of the Institute. Therefore, a student who aspires to be a business executive should be dressed up in the following style at IMS:

  1. Girls should be dressed up neatly with sobriety and modesty.
  2. Boys should wear closed collared shirts with tie and matching trousers.
  3. Students should wear shoes including moccasins and clean joggers but not chapels and Student who will not follow the dress code will be charged Rs 500 on spot.
  4. Students can wear clean trousers and only collared shirts but not sweat shirts and T-shirts because they do not give the image of future business executives and managers. The students, however, will not wear shirt tails outside the trousers.
  5. Our national dress is dignified and deserves the respect we can give it. The national dress does not look dignified if it is soiled, is creased or un-ironed, therefore we would like our students to wear the national dress but it should be clean and preferably starched, and should normally be worn with a vest.
Conduct of Examination

Make up examination will be dealt on merit with the discretion of Dean. All the semester examinations (mid and final term) will be conducted under the supervision of Examination office. Following explanation will make the conduct of examination more clear:


  1. Student Responsibilities:
  • To maintain the integrity of the examination process, exams can only be taken with the proof of a valid admit card and student university ID card.
  • To avoid disruption and any undue anxiety, students are requested to arrive at least 10 minutes before the commencement of examination; students will not be allowed to enter examination room / hall 30 minutes after the start of examination.
  • Students are not allowed to bring mobile phones, bags and books in the examination hall; otherwise an ‘F’ grade may be awarded.
  • Students are not allowed to take question papers outside the examination hall; it is to be returned, along with the answer sheet, to the concerned faculty.
  • Students are responsible for bringing their own calculator, if approved by the faculty, for quantitative Similarly, students are expected to bring their own stationery items. No borrowing from any other examinee is allowed.
  • Examinees should sit in the rows allocated for the particular paper. Invigilator may re-locate the students if he / she deems fit.
  • Departure from the examination hall will only be permitted after 30 minutes of commencement of Midterm Examination and after one hour in case of the Final examination.
  • Use of unfair means during the examination in any way is totally Any student found doing so the case will be forwarded to unfair means committee or discipline committee as the case may be. A few examples of such behaviors are:
    1. Any written or oral communication among students during an exam.
    2. Providing information about the content of an examination.
    3. A student’s use of a substitute or surrogate to take an examination.
    4. Indulging in unruly behavior in the examination hall.
  • Once the examination time has ended, the examiner will announce “all pens down”. At that time no student should be holding a pen in his/her hand.
Student Conduct Rules & Disciplinary Action

Academic integrity is a major part of the foundation of any academic institution. At IMS we expect high standard of academic integrity from our students and staff.

  1. Student conduct

All students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that does not impair or disturb, in anyway, the academic environment of the classroom or the institution. Any of the actions listed below may result in disciplinary action leading to a reprimand, suspension or cancellation of registration or, dismissal from the Institution, or award of ‘F’ grade in a course depending on the gravity of the offense as adjudged by the disciplinary committee:

  • Knowingly providing false information to the institute.
  • Being involved in forgery, alteration or use of Institute’s documents or instruments of identification with intent to deceive.
  • Misbehaving with a staff member on or outside the campus.
  • Intentionally disrupting or obstructing teaching, research, administration, or any other institutional activity and function of IMS.
  • Failing to comply with instructions of the duly authorized and identified college officials acting in performance of their official duties.
  • Being involved in theft of equipment, stationery, books or furnishings of the Institute.
  • Willful damage to property of IMS or that of the staff, unbecoming or rowdy behaviour on the campus such as picking fights, use of abusive language, and carrying or use of arms.
  • Bringing the Institute, its management, staff or facilities in disrepute by word of mouth or in writing or use of derogatory language for a high office of IMS in applications, reports, or examination papers.
Class Room Discipline
  • All the students are required to attend at least 80% of the total class meetings of a course during a particular semester. Failure to comply may result in “F” grade for the course.
  • If a student misses a class he or she would be responsible for missing the class lecture, quiz, assignment, and any announcement made during the class.
  • Part or full reproduction of someone else’s work in reports, the use of borrowed or purchased term papers, essays, reports and assignments of the class fellows may result in “F” grade for the course or expulsion from the Institute in cases of gross violations.
  • All students are required to follow class discipline, and instructions of the teacher.
Student Responsibility for Information

It is the responsibility of each student to keep himself / herself informed of the various academic and general policies of the IMS. Source of such information include the catalogs, bulletin boards, and other timely notices.