Academic Policies



It is mandatory for the students to attend at least 80% of classes.


If the student misses any assignment/quiz for whatever reason, makeup will not be given and the student would get a failing grade in the assignment/quiz.


The student who misses an exam(s) because of medical emergencies or other unavoidable circumstance will only be allowed make-up provided they produce a piece of concrete evidence for such exemption.

IMS Policies

Grading Scale & Grade Point Average
Percent Letter GradeInterpretation Grade Points
80 and aboveAExcellent4.00
75 - 79B+ 3.50
70 - 74BGood 3.00
65 - 69C+ 2.50
60 - 64CAverage 2.00
65 - 59D+ 1.50
50 - 54DPassing 1.00
below 50FFailure 0.00
Cumulative Grade Point Average Requirement for Graduation
Program C.G.P.A
MBA 2.50
MBA Evening 2.50
Executive MBA 2.50
BBA 2.00
BSCS 2.00
M.Sc. CS2.50
M.Phil. CS 3.00
M.Phil. Management Sciences 3.00
Ph.D. CS 3.00

Academic Probation

The student is placed on academic probation whenever his/her cumulative GPA falls below the following levels
Program First Semester
MBA (Morning/Evening) 2.00
BBA 1.75
M.Sc. CS 2.00
BSCS 1.75
M.Phil. 2.50
Ph.D. 2.50
MBA Executive 2.00

Further Details

Continuation in the program

For continuation in the program a minimum required cumulative CGPA must be maintained regardless of the number of the credit hours completed. Once on probation, the student may not be allowed to register for any new course. Rather the courses with lowest grade should be repeated to achieve clear standing within two semesters. While on academic probation, the student must refer to the Program Coordinators or the Dean office to ensure his/her satisfactory progress.

Students with a CGPA below the minimum required level must consider themselves on probation. A student will not receive an official notification of probation from the institute.

Repeating Courses

A course with “F” Grade may be repeated twice to obtain a passing Grade. In a special case the Dean could allow a third chance.


A course with a “C” and “D” Grade may be repeated to improve the grade. Any number of courses could be repeated for such grade improvement.

Course Registration

Every student must enroll during the registration week and must take minimum 2 courses (6 Cr. Hours) during a semester, unless otherwise recommended by coordinators and approved by the Dean. Registration is valid only if the dues are paid within the specified time.

Responsibility For Information

Providing correct information to the coordinators for the purpose of registration is  a student’s individual responsibility. Registration made on the basis of wrong information provided by the student would be cancelled and the student would be subject to disciplinary action which may tantamount to suspension or expusion from(IMS) depending on the gravity of the offence.

Late Registration

The Dean may allow late registration in the weeks following the registration period. For late registration a student will be liable to pay late registration fee at 10% of the total  tuition fee. In the first week after the regular registration period, a 20% surcharge will be levied till the start of the next semester.

Course Prerequisites

Enrollment in certain courses cannot be allowed until the course prerequisite requirements are met. It is students’ responsibility to make sure that they satisfy the prerequisite requirements of each course. A student enrolling in a given course without meeting the prerequisites may be denied credit for the course.

Course Add-Drop Policy

Registration during the official registration period is final and cannot be changed when the semester starts, except for the students, who fail a course(s) in the preceding semester. A student must reappear in a failed course on the very next offering.

No student would be allowed to drop the course with a “W” after the twelfth week of the semester.

Course Cancellation/Change

During the semester, the IMS reserves the right to cancel any course announced at the time of registration.In case a course is full or is cancelled otherwise, administration reserves the right to relocate any number of students to alternative courses.

Changes in Program Requirement

The IMS reserves the right to change the requirements of any program, introduce new courses, or modify a program in any way deemed appropriate. The changes thus made would be applicable to all students regardless of their date of commencement.

Academic Honesty and Student’s Conduct

Academic integrity is a major part of the foundation of any institution of higher learning. Plagiarism and cheating are among the most common form of academic dishonesty. Plagiarism includes all offenses in which the work of another person is claimed, even unintentionally, to be one’s own either by copying, purchasing or borrowing. Cheating includes the use of borrowed or purchased term papers, essays, reports, written assignments, use of concealed notes or devices or using unfair means during examinations.

Student Conduct Rules & Disciplinary Action

All students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that does not impair or disturb, in anyway, the academic environment of the classroom or the institution.
Any of the actions listed below may result in disciplinary action leading to a reprimand, suspension or cancellation of registration or dismissal from the institution.An”F” grade in a course may be awarded depending on the gravity of the offense adjusted by the Dean or a disciplinary committee:

Knowingly providing false information to the institute; involvement in forgery, alteration or use of institute’s documents.

  • Misbehaving with a teacher or staff member on or outside the campus.
  • Intentionally disrupting or obstructing teaching, research, administration, or any other institutional activities and functions of the IMS.
  • Failing to comply with instructions of the duly authorized and identified college officials acting with regard to their official duties.
  • Involvement in theft of equipment, stationary, books or furnishing of the institute.
  • deliberate damage to the property of IMS or that of the faculty or staff, rowdy behavior on the campus such as picking fights, use of abusive language, and carrying or using arms.
  • Bringing the institute’s management and faculty in disrepute by word of mouth or in writing, or using derogatory language for the high office of IMS in applications, reports, or examination papers.
Class Room Discipline

In the interest of maintaining quality and discipline at the IMS, all students are reminded of the following Examination Regulations.They are advised (to)

  1. provide all the information, including their name and I.D. No. on the first page of your answer sheet before you receive the question paper.
  2. be attentive to their question paper and answer sheet and behave decently in the examination Hall.
  3. not to write ANY THING on the Question Paper at all. All written work rough or fair should be done in the answer Book.
  4. not to keep any extraneous written material on your person or on your desk or in the Answer Book.
  5. ensure that no communication written or oral or otherwise takes place during the examination.
  6. to put forward their exam-related queries by raising their hands to the invigilator(s).
  7. not to exchange/borrow calculators or other items during the examination.
  8. to leave the room for any excuse once the examination has started.
  9. not to use mobile phones IN THE EXAMINATION ROOM. A candidate caught keeping mobile phone (even if it is off) in his / her custody in the Examination Hall shall be dealt as Cheating Aid / Unfair Means Case in the Examination.
  10. not to hold the administration responsible for loss of mobile phone, books, notes and any other article of the candidate from the Examination Hall.
  11. to leave the examination Hall before the first one hour of the examination.
  12. not to apply for ” I ” exam once they appear for the examination.

Violation of any regulation constitutes Examination Malpractice, whose punishment can take the form of expulsion from IMS
Examination Regulations
  • All the students are required to attend at least 80% of the total class meetings during a particular semester. Failure to comply with it may result in an “F” grade for the course.
  • If a student misses a class he or she would be responsible for missing the class lecture, quiz, assignment, and any announcement made during the class.
  • Part or full reproduction of someone else’s work in reports, the use of borrowed or purchased term papers, essays, reports and assignments of the classmates may result in an “F” grade for the course.
Student Responsibility for Information

It is the responsibility of each student to keep himself / herself informed of the various academic and general policies of the IMS. Source of such information include the catalogs, bulletin boards, and other timely notices.

In Addition:
    • Smoking is not allowed inside the campus.
    • Students are expected to behave in a civilized manner – Rowdy behavior,hooliganism and vandalism may lead serious punishment.
    • Dress Code should be followed strictly by boys as well as girls (Shalwar, Kameez and Dopatta for girls)
    • Our traditional culture demands proper respect for the teachers in and outside the classroom. Good students know what it means, and one does not have to have a high IQ for that.

It is hoped that students will not violate the institution’s rules. The management has no interest, unless compelled, in taking measures such as heavy fine, or even their expulsion from IMS (Pak-AIMS). Unusual observations about students that can be of possible interest to their parents, may also be reported to their parents for information.